German popular theater: Thealtres project annotations (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.ccb28f8t Publique
Auteurs : Fanny Boisnard, Benjamin Krautter, Lara Nugues, ORCID Pablo Ruiz et Alexia Schneider

German popular theater: Thealtres project annotations (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source): Character social variable annotations for the German theater subcorpus


ID : 10.34847/nkl.ccb28f8t/28049fa6a5eaed9e7d4f9a344d418b439584ab92

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Boisnard, Fanny ; Krautter, Benjamin ; Nugues, Lara ; Ruiz, Pablo ; Schneider, Alexia (2024) «German popular theater: Thealtres project annotations (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)» [Dataset] NAKALA.
Déposée par Pablo Ruiz Fabo le 16/01/2024
nakala:title xsd:string Anglais German popular theater: Thealtres project annotations (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)
nakala:creator Fanny Boisnard, Benjamin Krautter, Lara Nugues, ORCID Pablo Ruiz et Alexia Schneider
nakala:created xsd:string 2023-11-14
nakala:type xsd:anyURI Set de données
nakala:license xsd:string Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:contributor xsd:string Benjamin Krautter
xsd:string Lara Nugues
dcterms:creator xsd:string Fanny Boisnard
xsd:string Pablo Ruiz Fabo
xsd:string Alexia Schneider
dcterms:description xsd:string German popular theater: Thealtres project annotations (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source): Character social variable annotations for the German theater subcorpus
dcterms:language xsd:string allemand
xsd:string anglais
dcterms:publisher xsd:string Université de Strasbourg, Laboratoire LiLPa
dcterms:subject xsd:string German theater
xsd:string German theatre
xsd:string German popular theater
xsd:string German popular theatre
xsd:string Théâtre (genre littéraire) allemand
xsd:string Théâtre populaire allemand
xsd:string Schwank
xsd:string Posse