[OBSOLETED BY 10.34847/nkl.ccb28f8t v2] German popular theater: Corpus metadata for the Thealtres project (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.14ea0ltd Publique
Auteurs : Fanny Boisnard, Benjamin Krautter, Lara Nugues, ORCID Pablo Ruiz et Alexia Schneider

Corpus bibliographic metadata for the German popular theater subcorpus of the Thealtres project (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)


ID : 10.34847/nkl.14ea0ltd/f190b3f1910f33469c0874e781d5c6f444a11181

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Cette donnée est rendue obsolète par 10.34847/nkl.ccb28f8t
Déposée par Pablo Ruiz Fabo le 16/01/2024
nakala:title Anglais [OBSOLETED BY 10.34847/nkl.ccb28f8t v2] German popular theater: Corpus metadata for the Thealtres project (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)
nakala:creator Fanny Boisnard, Benjamin Krautter, Lara Nugues, ORCID Pablo Ruiz et Alexia Schneider
nakala:created 2023-11-14
nakala:type dcterms:URI Set de données
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:contributor Alexia Schneider
dcterms:creator Fanny Boisnard
Benjamin Krautter
Lara Nugues
Pablo Ruiz Fabo
dcterms:description Allemand Corpus bibliographic metadata for the German popular theater subcorpus of the Thealtres project (Comparing theater in Alsatian with the dramatic traditions at its source)
dcterms:publisher Université de Strasbourg - Laboratoire LiLPa
dcterms:URI https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q157575
dcterms:subject Théâtre (genre littéraire) allemand
Théâtre populaire allemand
German theater
German popular theater
German theatre
German popular theatre