GA 460, Paul Letters. Transcriptions (SNSF HumaReC)

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.e6ddy201 Publique
Créée le 02/01/2021

Transcriptions of Paul letters in GA 460 (Marciana Gr Z11(379), in Greek, Latin and Arabic, by Sara Schulthess (DH+, SIB, Lausanne, CH); SNSF project HUMAREC (2016-2018).
Folios 125r-142v (TEI XML)
Folios 142r-155v , Rm 9.9-16,24 (plain text)
Folios 155v-161v, (TEI XML)
Folios 162r-163v, 1 Co 5.1-6.15 (plain text)
Folios 207v-216v (TEI XML)
Folios 246v-251v (TEI XML)
Folios 299v-302v, Titus... 1.1-3.15 (plain text)

nakala:title xsd:string en GA 460, Paul Letters. Transcriptions (SNSF HumaReC)
dcterms:contributor Claire Clivaz, PI project
Anastasia Chasapi and Martial Sankar, IT developers
dcterms:creator Sara Schulthess, post-doc
dcterms:description xsd:string Transcriptions of Paul letters in GA 460 (Marciana Gr Z11(379), in Greek, Latin and Arabic, by Sara Schulthess (DH+, SIB, Lausanne, CH); SNSF project HUMAREC (2016-2018).
Folios 125r-142v (TEI XML)
Folios 142r-155v , Rm 9.9-16,24 (plain text)
Folios 155v-161v, (TEI XML)
Folios 162r-163v, 1 Co 5.1-6.15 (plain text)
Folios 207v-216v (TEI XML)
Folios 246v-251v (TEI XML)
Folios 299v-302v, Titus 1.1-3.15 (plain text)
dcterms:provenance DH+, SIB (Lausanne, CH)
dcterms:subject xsd:string en GA 460
xsd:string en Paul, the Apostle, Letters
xsd:string en Transcription
xsd:string en New Testament
xsd:string en 1 Corinthians
xsd:string en Romans
xsd:string en Titus
xsd:string en ancient Greek
xsd:string en Latin
xsd:string en Swiss National Science Foundation
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