ERCHornEast_Archaeological_Documentation FR | EN

ID : 10.34847/nkl.dae98ts7 Public
Created on 3/2/22

Documentation from prospecting and archaeological excavations of the HornEast project

nakala:title fr ERCHornEast_Documentation_archéologique
en ERCHornEast_Archaeological_Documentation
dcterms:contributor This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 726206).
dcterms:description en Documentation from prospecting and archaeological excavations of the HornEast project
fr Documentation issue des prospections et des fouilles archéologiques du projet HornEast.
dcterms:subject fr ERC HornEast
fr Archéologie
fr Fouille archéologique
fr Cimetière
fr Éthiopie
fr Tigray Region
fr Corne de l'Afrique
fr Islam--Africa
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