Turning the page - euradio - 103fm

ID : 10.34847/nkl.85c09403 Publique
Créée le 17/03/2022

At each book event, Christine Evain and her team interview people from the book world.
The recordings of the "Turning The Page" collection report back on what's new in the industry: new books, new technologies, new promotional strategies.

nakala:title en Turning the page - euradio - 103fm
dcterms:description en At each book event, Christine Evain and her team interview people from the book world.
The recordings of the "Turning The Page" collection report back on what's new in the industry: new books, new technologies, new promotional strategies.
dcterms:subject en radio
en bookfair
en Interviews
dcterms:temporal en 2016-2019
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