History of Replica Symmetry Breaking in Physics : Interview with Charles M. Newman and Daniel L. Stein EN | FR

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.efdaaj22 Public
Authors : ORCID Patrick Charbonneau, Charles M. Newman, Daniel L. Stein and ORCID Francesco Zamponi

Interview recorded over Zoom, from Prof. Newman’s and Prof. Stein’s respective homes in New York, NY, USA.


ID : 10.34847/nkl.efdaaj22/f0815913416c73998babfbfa915f45f16ae7c142

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Uploaded by David Denéchaud on 6/1/22
nakala:title English History of Replica Symmetry Breaking in Physics : Interview with Charles M. Newman and Daniel L. Stein
French L'histoire de la brisure des répliques en physique : entretien avec Charles M. Newman and Daniel L. Stein
nakala:creator ORCID Patrick Charbonneau, Charles M. Newman, Daniel L. Stein and ORCID Francesco Zamponi
nakala:created 2021-12-13
nakala:type dcterms:URI Sound
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-4.0)
dcterms:contributor Charbonneau, Patrick
Zamponi, Francesco
dcterms:description French Entretien enregistré par Zoom, depuis leurs domiciles respectifs à New York, États-Unis
English Interview recorded over Zoom, from Prof. Newman’s and Prof. Stein’s respective homes in New York, NY, USA.
dcterms:language dcterms:RFC5646 English (en)
dcterms:subject English Physics -- History -- 20th century
French Physique -- 20e siècle
French Physique -- Histoire