Nemesis1_8-5_Manching (Bavaria, DE).

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.e374uryi Publique
Auteur : ORCID Holger Wendling

Manching (Bavaria, DE). A# Digital plan of magnetometry/aerial photography and excavated linear features in the oppidum’s southern periphery; B# Detail of magnetometry and digital plan of circular and rectangular features in a supposedly ‘special (cult?) area’ to the south of the Zentralfläche (data courtesy of RGK and BLfD; graphics H. Wendling after Fehr & Leicht 2019, 77 Abb. 114A).


ID : 10.34847/nkl.e374uryi/55cc0a06d950612b59156cec7c31db4a605c168b

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Déposée par Stéphanie Vincent Guionneau le 10/01/2023
nakala:title Nemesis1_8-5_Manching (Bavaria, DE).
nakala:creator ORCID Holger Wendling
nakala:created 2022
nakala:type dcterms:URI Image
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0)
dcterms:description Manching (Bavaria, DE). A# Digital plan of magnetometry/aerial photography and excavated linear features in the oppidum’s southern periphery; B# Detail of magnetometry and digital plan of circular and rectangular features in a supposedly ‘special (cult?) area’ to the south of the Zentralfläche (data courtesy of RGK and BLfD; graphics H. Wendling after Fehr & Leicht 2019, 77 Abb. 114A).
dcterms:subject unfortified settlement
large-scale excavation
geomagnetic prospection
aerial photography
settlement structures
urban-rural interaction
fouille à grande échelle
prospection géomagnétique
photographie aérienne
structures d'habitat
interaction urbain-rural