Review of integration / inclusion policies and initiatives in Europe

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.d3ac0hcp Public
Authors : Alicia Banyuls-Millet, ORCID Pieter Bevelander, ORCID Ivana Bolognesi, ORCID Daniela Bolzani, Alexandra Bousiou, Samantha Caccamo, Eunice Cascant, ORCID Leonardo Corbo, ORCID Morena Cuconato, ORCID Noemie Dominguez, Jordi Giner, ORCID Marta Ilardo, Patricia Loncle, Emmanuelle Maunaye, Catherine Mercier-Suissa, Daniel Millor, Chiara Pagano, Pascale Petit-Senechal, Fransez Poisson, ORCID Haodong Qi, Ana Sales-Ten, Marta Salinaro, Carles Simò-Noguera, Andrea Spehar, Isadora Turnaj Elhart and Jorge Velasco-Mengod

The access to housing and accommodation constitute the primary objective in this review, but employment, health, education, social participation are also taken into consideration. This literature review is devoted to inclusion policies in France, Italy, Spain and Sweden, as they
relate to civil rights, health, training, accommodation, and persistent barriers to inclusion. Migrant entrepreneursh...ip initiatives and the impact of civil society initiatives on inclusion are also analysed in the literature. Finally, the role of the NGOs as well as the administration and the private sector are scrutinized.


ID : 10.34847/nkl.d3ac0hcp/8149fe2a88db8902f3cbe273a18aefadef9f9a68

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Report on immigrants' inclusion policies across Europe
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nakala:title English Review of integration / inclusion policies and initiatives in Europe
nakala:creator Alicia Banyuls-Millet, ORCID Pieter Bevelander, ORCID Ivana Bolognesi, ORCID Daniela Bolzani, Alexandra Bousiou, Samantha Caccamo, Eunice Cascant, ORCID Leonardo Corbo, ORCID Morena Cuconato, ORCID Noemie Dominguez, Jordi Giner, ORCID Marta Ilardo, Patricia Loncle, Emmanuelle Maunaye, Catherine Mercier-Suissa, Daniel Millor, Chiara Pagano, Pascale Petit-Senechal, Fransez Poisson, ORCID Haodong Qi, Ana Sales-Ten, Marta Salinaro, Carles Simò-Noguera, Andrea Spehar, Isadora Turnaj Elhart and Jorge Velasco-Mengod
nakala:created 2021-04-01
nakala:type dcterms:URI Report
nakala:license Etalab Open License 2.0 (etalab-2.0)
dcterms:description English The access to housing and accommodation constitute the primary objective in this review, but employment, health, education, social participation are also taken into consideration. This literature review is devoted to inclusion policies in France, Italy, Spain and Sweden, as they
relate to civil rights, health, training, accommodation, and persistent barriers to inclusion. Migrant entrepreneurship initiatives and the impact of civil society initiatives on inclusion are also analysed in the literature. Finally, the role of the NGOs as well as the administration and the private sector are scrutinized.
dcterms:language English
dcterms:subject English France
English education
English Political science
English housing
English European Union
English sociology
English Health
English Immigrants
English H2020
English Refugees--Housing policy
English Refugees--integration
English Imm
English Spain
English Sweden
English Italy