Looking at some Mk 16 manuscripts, including Latin codex k

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.c6dbin2k Hdl : 11280/54ccbc30 Public
Author : ORCID Claire J. M. Clivaz

Zip file of the eTalk material of «Looking at some Mk 16 manuscripts, including Latin codex k»


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Uploaded by Mina Monier on behalf of MARK16 on 2/24/20
nakala:title Looking at some Mk 16 manuscripts, including Latin codex k
nakala:creator ORCID Claire J. M. Clivaz
nakala:created 2019-11-20
nakala:type dcterms:URI Dataset
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0)
dcterms:abstract English This eTalk shows that reading Mark 16 manuscripts can still reveal new elements, as in the case of nine items this eTalk surveys, ranging between the fifth and thirteenth centuries.
dcterms:audience Academics
dcterms:description English Zip file of the eTalk material of «Looking at some Mk 16 manuscripts, including Latin codex k»
dcterms:format ZIP
dcterms:hasPart dcterms:URI https://github.com/sib-swiss/etalk-docker
dcterms:isPartOf dcterms:URI http://p3.snf.ch/project-179755
dcterms:URI https://mark16.sib.swiss
dcterms:language dcterms:RFC5646 English (en)
dcterms:provenance DH+, SIB, Lausanne
dcterms:source dcterms:URI https://mark16-etalk.sib.swiss/index.php?dir=Mk16ClivazManuscripts#0
dcterms:subject New Testament
Codex Bobiensis
Codex k
Mark 16
Textual criticism
Shorter ending
Syriac versions
Swiss National Science Foundation
Gregory Aland 304
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