Auteur : David Taylor

syH6 (Chaldean 25) f.98r and f.98v; transcription and English translation by David Taylor (Oxford University, UK); TEI/XML and HTML encoding by Mina Monier and Elisa Nury (SNSF project MARK16). Images of f. 98r and f.98v have been kindly provided to MARK16 by Fr. Samer Soreshow Yohanna, Superior General of the Chaldean Antonian Order of St. Hormizd O.A.O.C. (Alqosh, Irak).


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Déposée par Claire Clivaz pour le compte de MARK16 le 21/03/2023
nakala:title Anglais syH6 f.98r and f.98v
nakala:creator David Taylor
nakala:created 2022-04-11
nakala:type dcterms:URI Set de données
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:abstract Anglais The Chaldean 25 (syH6) is hosted in the depository of the Chaldean Antonian Order of St. Hormizd O.A.O.C. (Alqosh, Irak). Dated in recent scholarly debates of the 9th-10th century CE by Samer Soreshow Yohanna (2015), but of the 10th-11th century CE by Andreas Juckel (2019), it represents the Harklean version with a very “careful writing and full of Greek words in the margins” (Scher, 1906). It has been used as basis for the 2015 edition of the Syriac Harklean Gospel of Mark by Yohanna, who describes it as “written on parchment, it measures 215 X 155 mm. It contains 229 leaves (458 pages) with 23-24 lines per page. […] A peculiarity of manuscript C is that the letter Nun almost always has a long tail” (p. 27-28). It present the shorter ending in the marginal note of f. 98v. At the start of its second line, one reads ܐܘܕܥ̣ܢܢ “we made known” (a scribal error for Yohanna or a manuscript default for Taylor); it is editorially recommended to read the word as ܐܘܕܥ̣ܝܢ, “they [f. pl.] made known”. The marginal note also contains a quotation from Severus of Antiochus, who mentions that in some manuscripts the text ends in 16:8. However, syH6 presents the long ending until v. 13, and the last folio has been lost. Claire Clivaz, SNSF MARK16 project, SIB Lausanne (CH); © CC-BY 4.0
dcterms:alternative NT.VMR Doc ID 700004
dcterms:bibliographicCitation syH6
dcterms:contributor Mina Monier
Elisa Nury
dcterms:date 9th-10th or 10th-11th c. CE
dcterms:description Anglais syH6 (Chaldean 25) f.98r and f.98v; transcription and English translation by David Taylor (Oxford University, UK); TEI/XML and HTML encoding by Mina Monier and Elisa Nury (SNSF project MARK16). Images of f. 98r and f.98v have been kindly provided to MARK16 by Fr. Samer Soreshow Yohanna, Superior General of the Chaldean Antonian Order of St. Hormizd O.A.O.C. (Alqosh, Irak).
dcterms:hasFormat dcterms:URI
dcterms:isFormatOf Anglais Chaldean 25
dcterms:isPartOf dcterms:URI
dcterms:isReferencedBy dcterms:URI
dcterms:isVersionOf dcterms:URI
dcterms:language dcterms:RFC5646 syriaque (syc)
dcterms:provenance Chaldean Antonian Order Library, St. Hormizd Monastery (Alqosh, Irak)
dcterms:subject Anglais Harklensis
Anglais Mark 16
Anglais syH6
Anglais Chaldean 25
Anglais Shorter ending
Anglais Long ending
Anglais Syriac
Anglais English translation
Anglais Swiss National Science Foundation
Anglais Textual criticism
Anglais Chaldean Antonian Order Library
Anglais St. Hormizd Monastery (Irak)
Anglais Alqosh
dcterms:temporal 700006