DEVAUCHELLE (D.), WIDMER, (Gh.), « Un hiereus en écriture démotique à Karnak », Karnak 14, 2013, p. 333-336

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.83bf51k2 Hdl : 11280/99154e9d Publique
Auteur : Anonyme

ID : 10.34847/nkl.83bf51k2/127f921d2e7acfd02a6190b2e5bf013119884910

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Déposée par Jérémy Hourdin le 13/09/2015
nakala:title DEVAUCHELLE (D.), WIDMER, (Gh.), « Un hiereus en écriture démotique à Karnak », Karnak 14, 2013, p. 333-336
nakala:creator Anonyme
nakala:created 2013
nakala:type dcterms:URI Article de journal
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:abstract Publication of a fragmentary sandstone block discovered in 2010 in the excavated material lying over the Ptolemaic baths in front of Karnak temple. The inscription, which could be a dedication, includes mention of the Greek title hiereus transcribed into Demotic for which very few examples are otherwise attested, thus providing new evidence for the cultural mixing in this area at the beginning of the Roman Period.
dcterms:creator DEVAUCHELLE (D.), WIDMER, (Gh.)
dcterms:type Articles