History of RSB Interview : Jairo de Almeida EN | FR

Authors : Jairo Rolim Lopes de Almeida and Patrick Charbonneau

Transcript of an oral history conducted 2021 by Patrick Charbonneau and Francesco Zamponi and recorded over Zoom, from Professor de Almeida’s home in Recife, Brazil


ID : 10.34847/nkl.7de8emt7/6e0375c2b4fd4e62fb4687a6e7fb8c037ae82ef3

Embed url : https://api.nakala.fr/embed/10.34847/nkl.7de8emt7/6e0375c2b4fd4e62fb4687a6e7fb8c037ae82ef3

Download url : https://api.nakala.fr/data/10.34847/nkl.7de8emt7/6e0375c2b4fd4e62fb4687a6e7fb8c037ae82ef3

Uploaded by David Denéchaud on 10/6/21
nakala:title English History of RSB Interview : Jairo de Almeida
French L'histoire de la brisure des répliques en physique : entretien avec Jairo de Almeida
nakala:creator Jairo Rolim Lopes de Almeida and Patrick Charbonneau
nakala:created 2021-10-05
nakala:type dcterms:URI Text
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-4.0)
dcterms:description English Transcript of an oral history conducted 2021 by Patrick Charbonneau and Francesco Zamponi and recorded over Zoom, from Professor de Almeida’s home in Recife, Brazil
French Transcription de l'entretien conduit en 2021 par Patrick Charbonneau et Francesco Zamponi et enregistré via Zoom depuis le domicile du Prof. de Almeida à Recife, Brésil
dcterms:language dcterms:RFC5646 English (en)
dcterms:subject French physique--20e siècle
English Physics--History--20th century