VL 3 f.633 and f.634

Auteur : Elisa Nury

VL 3 (Codex Vercellensis s. n.) f.633 and f.634; transcription, TEI/XML and HTML encoding by Elisa Nury (SNSF MARK16). The transcription is partly based on the original manuscript and Gasquet 1914 edition


ID : 10.34847/nkl.56c08668/342efb9285c06dd184b70528dd8584d23b593a5a

Url d'intégration : https://api.nakala.fr/embed/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/342efb9285c06dd184b70528dd8584d23b593a5a

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ID : 10.34847/nkl.56c08668/0ee7d8b5827b5b0e1269e78404dbcfd61901dddb

Url d'intégration : https://api.nakala.fr/embed/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/0ee7d8b5827b5b0e1269e78404dbcfd61901dddb

Url de téléchargement : https://api.nakala.fr/data/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/0ee7d8b5827b5b0e1269e78404dbcfd61901dddb

ID : 10.34847/nkl.56c08668/e5fcb0cf222afb1285a4015f7e0abdc85d192623

Url d'intégration : https://api.nakala.fr/embed/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/e5fcb0cf222afb1285a4015f7e0abdc85d192623

Url de téléchargement : https://api.nakala.fr/data/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/e5fcb0cf222afb1285a4015f7e0abdc85d192623

ID : 10.34847/nkl.56c08668/2a880df147ad80e9896a55393c9b40dfc41b68f7

Url d'intégration : https://api.nakala.fr/embed/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/2a880df147ad80e9896a55393c9b40dfc41b68f7

Url de téléchargement : https://api.nakala.fr/data/10.34847/nkl.56c08668/2a880df147ad80e9896a55393c9b40dfc41b68f7

Nury, Elisa (2022) «VL 3 f.633 and f.634» [Dataset] NAKALA. https://doi.org/10.34847/nkl.56c08668
Déposée par Claire Clivaz pour le compte de MARK16 le 22/03/2022
nakala:title xsd:string Anglais VL 3 f.633 and f.634
nakala:creator Elisa Nury
nakala:created xsd:string 2020-03-22
nakala:type xsd:anyURI Set de données
nakala:license xsd:string Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:abstract xsd:string Anglais Dated from the second half of the fourth century, the Codex Vercellensis (or VL 3 or codex a) is considered the oldest extant Latin copy of the four gospels. It was copied in Italy, probably in Vercelli itself: according to the recorded tradition the codex either belonged to or was copied by St. Eusebius of Vercelli (d. 371). It contains the gospel of Mark on pages 524 to 634. The original pages with Mark 16, following Mark 15:7-15 on page 632, were lost. A replacement folio has the text of Mark 16:7-20 (p. 633 and 634). According to Gasquet (p. VI), the Codex Vercellensis may be related to the Corbiensis (VL 8) which also contains the longer ending of Mark 16. But according to Turner (1927), “a must have had either the shorter ending or none at all” (p. 18). Elisa Nury & Claire Clivaz, SNSF MARK16 project, SIB Lausanne (CH); © CC-BY 4.0
dcterms:alternative xsd:string NT.VMR Doc ID 200003
dcterms:bibliographicCitation xsd:string VL 3
dcterms:date xsd:string Anglais 4th century CE
dcterms:description xsd:string Anglais VL 3 (Codex Vercellensis s. n.) f.633 and f.634; transcription, TEI/XML and HTML encoding by Elisa Nury (SNSF MARK16). The transcription is partly based on the original manuscript and Gasquet 1914 edition
dcterms:hasFormat xsd:anyURI https://ark.dasch.swiss/ark:/72163/1/0844/lSKCtJ_XR1=gF=10Oa2JQwk.20230418T122200231176042Z
dcterms:isFormatOf xsd:string Codex Vercellensis s.n.
dcterms:isPartOf xsd:anyURI https://mark16.sib.swiss
xsd:anyURI https://data.snf.ch/grants/grant/179755
dcterms:isReferencedBy xsd:anyURI http://ntvmr.uni-muenster.de/catalog?docID=200003
dcterms:isVersionOf xsd:anyURI https://ntvmr.uni-muenster.de/manuscript-workspace?docID=200003
dcterms:language xsd:string latin
dcterms:provenance xsd:string Italien Vercelli, Archivio Capitolare Eusebiano
dcterms:subject xsd:string Anglais Vercelli
xsd:string Anglais Codex a
xsd:string Anglais Archivio Capitolare Eusebiano
xsd:string Anglais Codex Vercellensis
xsd:string Anglais Latin
xsd:string Anglais Textual criticism
xsd:string Anglais Swiss National Science Foundation
xsd:string Anglais New Testament
xsd:string Anglais Mark 16
xsd:string Anglais VL 3
dcterms:temporal xsd:string 200003