
DOI : 10.34847/nkl.51ecez6x Public
Authors : ORCID Marie Bizais-Lillig, ORCID Xinmin Hu, ORCID Shueh-Ying Liao, ORCID Tilman Schalmey and ORCID Mariana Zorkina

The CHI-KNOW-PO (Chinese Knowledge and Poetry) database is structured around Chinese words and their use in the Medieval Period. As such, it contains a table of words, indications to which group they belong to (e.g. plants, emotions), what their synonyms are and the first known source to use the word. It contains a large number of other data related to this core: information about the source texts..., their authors and commentators etc.
In addition to words, semantic categories and synonyms, the database holds information on persons of Chinese history, literary works and connections between these objects. This part is linked to words (as we record first identified occurrence of words in texts by authors). It is nonetheless the result of a specific development.
For more information, see:


ID : 10.34847/nkl.51ecez6x/e07ee0a9ee3e063fd76fe160d0789c1814b69267

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Base de données lexicale (chinois classique) et bio-bibliographique constituée dans le cadre du projet CHI-KNOW-PO
Uploaded by Marie Bizais-Lilig on 11/15/22
nakala:title English ckp_database
nakala:creator ORCID Marie Bizais-Lillig, ORCID Xinmin Hu, ORCID Shueh-Ying Liao, ORCID Tilman Schalmey and ORCID Mariana Zorkina
nakala:created 2022-11-15
nakala:type dcterms:URI Dataset
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
dcterms:date dcterms:W3CDTF 2022-11-07
dcterms:description English The CHI-KNOW-PO (Chinese Knowledge and Poetry) database is structured around Chinese words and their use in the Medieval Period. As such, it contains a table of words, indications to which group they belong to (e.g. plants, emotions), what their synonyms are and the first known source to use the word. It contains a large number of other data related to this core: information about the source texts, their authors and commentators etc.
In addition to words, semantic categories and synonyms, the database holds information on persons of Chinese history, literary works and connections between these objects. This part is linked to words (as we record first identified occurrence of words in texts by authors). It is nonetheless the result of a specific development.
For more information, see:
dcterms:hasVersion English v1.0
dcterms:language English
Literary Chinese
dcterms:subject English database
English China
English Middle age
English semantic categories
English People (personnes)
English Texts
French Base de données
French Chine
French Moyen Âge
French personnes
French Textes