Surveying Wikipedians: a dataset of users and contributors’ practices on Wikipedia in 8 languages

Auteurs : Caterina Cruciani, Léo Joubert, Nicolas Jullien, Laurent Mell, Sasha Piccione et Jeanne Vermeirsche

The dataset focuses on Wikipedia users and contains information about demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents and their activity on Wikipedia. The data was collected using a questionnaire available online between June and July 2023. The link to the questionnaire was distributed via a banner published in 8 languages on the Wikipedia page. Filling out the questionnaire was v...oluntary and not incentivised in any way. The survey includes 200 questions about: what people were doing on Wikipedia before clicking the link to the questionnaire; how they use Wikipedia as readers (“professional” and “personal” uses); their opinion on the quality, the thematic coverage, the importance of the encyclopaedia; the making of Wikipedia (how they think it is made, if they have ever contributed and how); their social, sport, artistic and cultural activities, both online and offline; their socio-economic characteristics including political beliefs, and trust propensities. More than 200 000 people opened the questionnaire, 100 332 started to answer, and constitute our dataset, and 10 576 finished it. Among other themes identified by future researchers, the dataset can be useful for advancing the research regarding the features of readers vs contributors of online commons, the relationship between trust, information, sources, and the use made of this information.


ID : 10.34847/nkl.4ecf4u8m/024f17cbf7c69ab9d35f2360c7ab361286cd71a7

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ID : 10.34847/nkl.4ecf4u8m/6c77455c2b5c6708c380b7a9286b6ee3bba4049d

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ID : 10.34847/nkl.4ecf4u8m/993bdc338a93e1b70d0a1d208414618224c9f1aa

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ID : 10.34847/nkl.4ecf4u8m/6d1bdbc62df577f1aef763412de7832aaed0bbce

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Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
Déposée par Léo Joubert le 01/12/2023
nakala:title Anglais Surveying Wikipedians: a dataset of users and contributors’ practices on Wikipedia in 8 languages
nakala:creator Caterina Cruciani, Léo Joubert, Nicolas Jullien, Laurent Mell, Sasha Piccione et Jeanne Vermeirsche
nakala:created 2023
nakala:type dcterms:URI Données d'enquêtes
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
dcterms:description Anglais The dataset focuses on Wikipedia users and contains information about demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents and their activity on Wikipedia. The data was collected using a questionnaire available online between June and July 2023. The link to the questionnaire was distributed via a banner published in 8 languages on the Wikipedia page. Filling out the questionnaire was voluntary and not incentivised in any way. The survey includes 200 questions about: what people were doing on Wikipedia before clicking the link to the questionnaire; how they use Wikipedia as readers (“professional” and “personal” uses); their opinion on the quality, the thematic coverage, the importance of the encyclopaedia; the making of Wikipedia (how they think it is made, if they have ever contributed and how); their social, sport, artistic and cultural activities, both online and offline; their socio-economic characteristics including political beliefs, and trust propensities. More than 200 000 people opened the questionnaire, 100 332 started to answer, and constitute our dataset, and 10 576 finished it. Among other themes identified by future researchers, the dataset can be useful for advancing the research regarding the features of readers vs contributors of online commons, the relationship between trust, information, sources, and the use made of this information.
dcterms:language dcterms:RFC5646 anglais (en)
dcterms:subject Anglais contribution
Anglais information access
Anglais information trust
Anglais cultural activitie
Anglais digital commons