ELAL: lexicon of emotion words in Alsatian for the analysis of theatre plays FR | EN

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.40cex998 Public
Author : ORCID Delphine Bernhard

ELAL (Emotion Lexicon for Alsatian) is a manually corrected emotion lexicon for the Alsatian dialects, including graphical variants of Alsatian lexical items. The lexicon is divided in two parts with different licenses. This first part of the lexicon contains the graphical variants.
The first line of the file corresponds to the header. Variants are separated with a semi-colon (;). Some of the va...riants are marked with '_C' indicating that they were inconsistently annotated during manual annotation and would thus require further checking.


ID : 10.34847/nkl.40cex998/abcd150099a93a08d14a7881a297d1121650ba1f

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Uploaded by Delphine Bernhard on 4/25/22
nakala:title French ELAL : lexique de mots d'émotion en alsacien pour l'analyse de pièces de théâtre
English ELAL: lexicon of emotion words in Alsatian for the analysis of theatre plays
nakala:creator ORCID Delphine Bernhard
nakala:created 2022-04-25
nakala:type dcterms:URI Dataset
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:contributor dcterms:URI https://viaf.org/viaf/206088536/
Nathanaël Beiner
dcterms:description English ELAL (Emotion Lexicon for Alsatian) is a manually corrected emotion lexicon for the Alsatian dialects, including graphical variants of Alsatian lexical items. The lexicon is divided in two parts with different licenses. This first part of the lexicon contains the graphical variants.
The first line of the file corresponds to the header. Variants are separated with a semi-colon (;). Some of the variants are marked with '_C' indicating that they were inconsistently annotated during manual annotation and would thus require further checking.
French ELAL (Emotion Lexicon for Alsatian) est un lexique d'émotions corrigé manuellement pour les dialectes alsaciens, incluant des variantes graphiques des items lexicaux alsaciens. Le lexique est divisé en deux parties avec des licences différentes. Cette première partie du lexique contient les variantes graphiques.
La première ligne du fichier correspond à l'en-tête. Les variantes sont séparées par un point-virgule (;). Certaines variantes sont marquées par '_C', ce qui indique qu'elles ont été annotées de manière incohérente lors de l'annotation manuelle et qu'elles nécessitent donc une vérification supplémentaire.
dcterms:format dcterms:IMT text/csv
dcterms:isReferencedBy dcterms:URI https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03655148
dcterms:language dcterms:URI http://lexvo.org/id/iso639-3/gsw
Swiss German
dcterms:subject French Lexique
French Théâtre
French Émotion
French Dialectes alsaciens
English Emotion
English Lexicon
English Alsatian dialects
English Theatre
dcterms:URI http://www.language-archives.org/vocabulary/field#computational_linguistics
dcterms:URI http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh97004159
dcterms:URI https://www.idref.fr/027269043
dcterms:type dcterms:URI http://www.language-archives.org/vocabulary/type#lexicon
dcterms:URI https://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119762218