Le Néolithique ancien de la plaine de Nîmes (Gard, France)

DOI : 10.34847/nkl.0c675041 Public
Authors : Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Sandrine Bonnardin, Laurent Bouby, ORCID Céline Bressy-Leandri, Laurent Bruxelles, Pascale Chevillot, ORCID Fabien Convertini, Isabel Figueiral, ORCID Claire Manen, Sophie MARTIN, Christelle Noret, ORCID Thomas Perrin, Pierre Séjalon, Éric Thirault and Julia Wattez

Evidence for early Neolithic settlements in southern France is still quite fragmentary and is most often limited to a few features or parts of structural remains. South of the town of Nîmes, in the Gard département, the increase in preventive archaeology fieldwork over the last two decades has led to the discovery of three quite well-preserved settlement sites, together with a dozen or so sites wi...th slighter traces of occupation. All these sites date to the Languedoc Epicardial, which approximately covers the period 5100-4800 BC.
The preservation of a soil horizon as well as subsoil features on these settlements enables spatial patterning to be examined. The artefacts recovered (pottery, flint, quartz, macrolithic tools, ornaments, ochre...) illustrate Epicardial material culture and its development over several centuries. Combined with sourcing of materials, analyses of botanical, faunal and snail assemblages illustrate how these sites relate to their territory and environment.
Lastly, the increase in trial trenching and preventive excavation now makes it possible to determine which parts of the region actually remained unoccupied. These sites thus provide a whole range of evidence enabling the space-time dynamics of settlement to be investigated at a regional scale.


ID : 10.34847/nkl.0c675041/76423c6aa330c11bdcb9a132213087b05cb31771

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Version PDF de la monographie "Le Néolithique ancien de la plaine de Nîmes (Gard, France)" réalisée sous la direction de Thomas Perrin, Claire Manen et Pierre Séjalon et publiée en 2014 aux Archives d'Écologie Préhistorique (https://www.archeoaep.fr/?product=le-neolithique-ancien-de-la-plaine-de-nimes). La version papier est épuisée.
Uploaded by AEP Archives d'Écologie Préhistorique on 2/19/23
nakala:title Le Néolithique ancien de la plaine de Nîmes (Gard, France)
nakala:creator Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Sandrine Bonnardin, Laurent Bouby, ORCID Céline Bressy-Leandri, Laurent Bruxelles, Pascale Chevillot, ORCID Fabien Convertini, Isabel Figueiral, ORCID Claire Manen, Sophie MARTIN, Christelle Noret, ORCID Thomas Perrin, Pierre Séjalon, Éric Thirault and Julia Wattez
nakala:created 2014
nakala:type dcterms:URI Book
nakala:license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
dcterms:description French Dans le sud de la France, la connaissance des habitats du Néolithique ancien reste encore assez fragmentaire et le plus souvent limitée à quelques structures, bâtiments ou fragments de bâtiments isolés. Au sud de la ville de Nîmes, dans le Gard, la multiplication des opérations d’archéologie préventive au cours des deux dernières décennies a permis de mettre au jour les vestiges plus ou moins bien conservés de trois sites d’habitats auxquels viennent s’adjoindre une dizaine de structures ou indices de sites isolés. Tous ces gisements se rattachent à l’Épicardial languedocien, entre 5100 et 4800 ans avant notre ère
La présence de niveau de sol et de structures en creux permet d’approcher la structuration spatiale de ces habitats. Le mobilier archéologique recueilli (céramique, silex, quartz, macro-outillage, parure, ocre...) documente les productions associées à ce faciès culturel ainsi que leur évolution sur plusieurs siècles. En plus de l’étude des provenances des matériaux, les analyses carpologiques, archéozoologiques, anthracologiques et malacologiques illustrent la manière dont ces gisements s’inscrivent au sein de leur territoire et de leur environnement.
Enfin, la multiplication des diagnostics archéologiques et fouilles préventives permet, dans cette zone, de s’assurer de la réalité des vides d’occupation. C’est donc toute la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de l’occupation d’un territoire que ces gisements permettent d’aborder.
English Evidence for early Neolithic settlements in southern France is still quite fragmentary and is most often limited to a few features or parts of structural remains. South of the town of Nîmes, in the Gard département, the increase in preventive archaeology fieldwork over the last two decades has led to the discovery of three quite well-preserved settlement sites, together with a dozen or so sites with slighter traces of occupation. All these sites date to the Languedoc Epicardial, which approximately covers the period 5100-4800 BC.
The preservation of a soil horizon as well as subsoil features on these settlements enables spatial patterning to be examined. The artefacts recovered (pottery, flint, quartz, macrolithic tools, ornaments, ochre...) illustrate Epicardial material culture and its development over several centuries. Combined with sourcing of materials, analyses of botanical, faunal and snail assemblages illustrate how these sites relate to their territory and environment.
Lastly, the increase in trial trenching and preventive excavation now makes it possible to determine which parts of the region actually remained unoccupied. These sites thus provide a whole range of evidence enabling the space-time dynamics of settlement to be investigated at a regional scale.
dcterms:language French
dcterms:subject French Néolithique ancien
French Epicardial
French Cultures préhistoriques
French Économie préhistorique
French Organisation spatiale
French Statistique spatiale
French Habitat
French Sépultures
French sílex
French Céramique
French Faune
French archéozoologie
French parure
French industrie osseuse
French outillage pol
French micromorphologie
French datation C14
French radiocarbone
French chronologie
English Early Neolithic
English Epicardial
English Prehistoric cultures
English Prehistoric economics
English spatial organization
English Spatial analysis (Statistics)
English unhabitat
English Sepulchers
English flint
English lithic industry
English pottery
English fauna
English archaeozoology
English Jewelry
English osseous industrie
English ground stone
English stone axe
English micromorphology
English C14
English Radiocarbon dating
English Chronology